Sunday, June 2, 2013


Reefer" cigaretteswoman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed"
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Reefer" cigaretteswoman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed" (Marijuana Madness!)

If you're like me, then you are probably overwhelmed with emails and articles opining on the evils of Monsanto & Dow Chemical---NOW THEY ARE INTRO DUCTING GMO LEGAL MEDICINAL MARIJUANA! A Interesting fact, a Manufacturer of Chemical Warfare Matériels; ie: Agent Orange, is now in the Manufacture of our Food. Meet the New Monsanto: Dow Chemical... and Their New 'Agent Orange' Crops Posted: 02/18/2014 8:00 pm EST Updated: 04/20/2014 5:59 am EDT Huffington Article DOW CHEMICAL-------------------------------------->Reefer Madness! Dow invented Rayon, Dacron & Nylon, and, despite popular belief that Wm. Randolph Hurst Personally led the "Media Smear" on Hemp, [remember the Reefer Madness (1937) Film that led to the Outlawing of Hemp Cultivation?] Dow Chemical Financially Backed Wm. Hearst's Newspapers & Subsidised the "WAR ON MARIJUANA!" Sean Hannity Warns America Of Killer Weed Threat-GUEST "DIAMOND DAVE!" Betty Diamond was told if she didn't stop smoking Marijuana she would regret it Husband David (Diamond Dave) brought Photos of Deformed Wife, the Last Beatnik in San Francisco, Betty Diamond's Tragic Fate has caused Ex-Stoner 74 Year Old "Diamond Dave" to become a "ART LINKLETTER" Type ANTI-DOPE CRUSADER!

DAVE SEZ=Don't Let It Happen To YOU!

Purity Hero Sean Hannity took to the radio airwaves Tuesday to alert America to this profound insight: marijuana will kill you dead! As proof, Hannity offers a genuinely sad story from Colorado, about the 19-year-old who jumped off a 4th-floor balcony after eating a friend's marijuana cookie. The autopsy listed marijuana intoxication as a significant contributing factor in the death of 19-year-old Levi Thamba Pongi, a native of the Republic of Congo, who fell from a balcony. One of Hannity's guests tried to point out that "significant contributing factor" is different from "sole cause," but Hannity knew better: "In other words, he was stoned out of his mind!" All this brilliance was prefaced by Hannity's worries about other victims of pot, like innocent children "getting into their parents' pot-laced goodies -- because they have, I guess, pot candy and pot brownies and pot this and pot that." And as that one guest (whose name doesn't appear on the Hannity website -- apparently there have been no guests in 2014) said, yes, it makes sense that if you're going to have legal pot, you don't just leave the stuff out where the kids can get into it: "Drugs are like alcohol and guns and they need to be put away in a safe place." Oddly, we don't know of any stories where Hannity concluded that guns need to be banned after a kid got their hands on one with disastrous results. Hannity's other guest, on the other hand, was much more sympathetic to his position, saying that she's "read about people dying already from smoking too much pot and then falling." Even worse, Hannity intoned, "There was a case of a dog that OD'd from pot!" The pro-pot guest soberly agreed that "anybody who murders a dog should go to jail forever," and that, yes, if people irresponsibly leave their intoxicating adult stuff around where their kids get into it, they are bad parents and should be prosecuted for endangering their kids. The recording cuts off just as the anti-pot guest starts warming up on her theory that marijuana legalization is just a ploy to distract us from the serious issues like "people losing their healthcare" and presumably, Benghazi. Yr Wonkette has already reported on just how deadly weed candy can almost be, so we are sympathetic to people who have had bad experiences -- on the other hand, despite the fact that alcohol can actually poison people to death, and does, at plenty of frat parties, booze remains legal. But the real lesson is obvious: Weed kills, and must be prohibited. Alcohol, on the other hand, should be enjoyed responsibly, and guns, needless to say, are in the Constitution for a very good reason: So you can protect yourself from roving bands of weed-crazed youths. Colorado woman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed" Betty Diamond was told if she didn't stop smoking Marijuana she would regret it. Betty thought because its legal it must be safe. There is no treatment for her condition and she is not expected to recover. Betty says the weed made her feel great and stopped her headaches. Read more: FOX ONLINE Apr 9, 2014 - Purity Hero Sean Hannity took to the radio airwaves Tuesday to alert America to this profound insight: marijuana will kill you dead! As proof ... Demyx - BREAKING NEWS: Smoking marijuana causes ... May 20, 2014 - Colorado woman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed" Betty Diamond was told if she didn't stop smoking Marijuana she would regret it ... ============================================== If you're like me, then you are probably overwhelmed with emails and articles opining on the evils of Monsanto & Dow Chemical---NOW THEY ARE INTRO DUCTING GMO LEGAL MEDICINAL MARIJUANA! We have to stop Dow Chemical before this nightmare scenario becomes a reality. It's time for the food movement -- organic producers, rural farming communities, urban foodies, chefs, parents, policy makers, and everyone who cares about the food they eat -- to stop Dow Chemical and their "Agent Orange" crops. Dow has already destroyed our world enough. To learn how you can get involved, visit PROPAGANDA in 1938 MARIJUANA KILLER! Course of Study in temperance Education (Alcohol and narcotic Drugs_ for grades 7-8-9 p70 ) - State of Vermont G. Marihuana (Indian Hemp) (Marijuana) 3. Marihuana as -- Narcotic There is no important use for marihuana in medicine because it is unreliable. . . . 4. Effects of Marihuana When marihuana is taken in large doses or when it is smoked, it usually produces a characteristic feeling of pleasure and exhilaration. Very soon the individual passes into a drowsy state, during which he has beautiful dreams, and forgets everything. He has visions of gorgeously beautiful scenes, amidst which he imagines all sorts of romantic incidents. He is usually joyful and happy and seems to be in a garden of paradise far more beautiful than any previous conception of it. These dreams are more marked in the languid, oriental people. Europeans or Americans unless they are particularly emotional, usually do not have such extravagant dreams but merely become joyful and happy. During this state of exhilaration, ideas arise so rapidly that time seems to pass much faster than it actually does. Events which usually last hours seem to occur in several minutes. This state of exhilaration lasts for a short time, perhaps an hour, then the individual falls into a normal, quiet sleep from which he can be readily awakened. Often the person has a sense of impending death, while others have terrible dreams. The following is a reprint from a bulletin of the Signal Press, Evanston, Illinois, entitled "The Menace of Marihuana": "The following excerpt from a pamphlet by the Department of Public Health, Union of South Africa, should awaken North America to the need for education and legal protection against this deadly drug. "Dagga (Marihuana) is a habit-forming drug and its use is apt to induce a craving which increases in strength until it is practically irresistible. Every confirmed smoker will confess that the craving when the drug is withheld becomes unbearable torture. "A very serious aspect of this question is the prevalence of the vice among youths and even school boys. The evil effects are quickly shown by emotional instability and unreliability." Some concrete examples (taken from the records of the Federal Narcotics Bureau) are quoted: "It happened in Florida: A young boy who had become addicted to smoking marihuana cigarettes, in a fit of frenzy, because, as he stated while still under the marihuana influence, a number of people were trying to cut off his arms and legs, seized an axe and killed his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister, wiping out the entire family except himself. "It happened in Michigan: Sometime ago the silence of the state prison at Marquette, Michigan, was shattered by the sound of fusillade of pistol shots and an hour later a kindly prison doctor lay dead and beside him lay the trusty who had given his life trying to save his friend, the doctor. An investigation developed that arms and ammunition had been smuggled into the prison in the false bottoms of burying containers and that the marihuana from which Tylczak, the murderer of the doctor and trusty, had derived his demonian courage, had also been smuggled into the prison. "It happened in California: A man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was horrified as anyone over what he had done." "Reefer" cigarettes, as marihuana cigarettes are often called, are sold to high school pupils by persons attempting to build up a trade for this drug. Such sales are sometimes made at hot dog stands or on the street, secretly, the price being about twenty-five cents per cigarette. A real menace to American youth lies in this drug because the hemp is so easily raised, the drug so readily obtained, and so suicidal in its effects. There has been much agitation against marihuana, the most deadly of all narcotic drugs. No wonder so many people today oppose the use of Medicinal Cannabis.
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Mexican truck drivers and railroad workers (love you, gringo yankee)

The Punta Colonet Multimodal Project Document Red China Opens NAFTA Ports in Mexico The Port Authority of San Antonio has been working actively with the Communist Chinese to open and develop NAFTA shipping ports in Mexico. FLAG you shit white bitch! We Shall Murder You Gringo Cows like Roaches! Oh you cowards will Beg & Beg as we Cut You To Pieces! by Jerome R. Corsi Posted Jul 18, 2006 The Port Authority of San Antonio has been working actively with the Communist Chinese to open and develop NAFTA shipping ports in Mexico. The plan is to ship containers of cheap goods produced by under-market labor in China and the Far East into North America via Mexican ports. From the Mexican ports, Mexican truck drivers and railroad workers will transport the goods across the Mexican border with Texas. Once in the U.S., the routes will proceed north to Kansas City along the NAFTA Super-Highway, ready to be expanded by the Trans-Texas Corridor, and NAFTA railroad routes being put in place by Kansas City Southern. Kansas City Southern’s Mexican railroads has positioned the company to become the “NAFTA Railroad.” Right now, the cost of shipping and ground transportation can nearly double the total cost of cheap goods produced by Chinese and Far Eastern under-market labor. The plan is to reduce those transportation costs by as much as 50% by using Mexican ports. Cost-savings will be realized by bringing the goods into the U.S. at mid-continent. Equally important is that the substantially reduced cost of using Mexican labor in the ports and to transport the goods once off-loaded. Mexican workers undercut Longshoremen Union port employees on the docks of Los Angeles and Long Beach, just as Mexican truck drivers undercut the Teamsters and Mexican railroad workers undercut United Transportation Union railroad workers. By using the Mexican ports, the international corporations managing this global trade are able to avoid the U.S. labor union workers who otherwise would unload the ships in west coast ports and transport the Asian containers into the heart of America by U.S. truckers or U.S. railroad ground transport moving east across the Rocky Mountains. In April 2006, officials of the Port Authority of San Antonio traveled to China with representatives of the Free Trade Alliance San Antonio, the Port of Lazaro Cardenas, and Hutchinson Port Holdings to develop the Mexican ports logistics corridor. The goal of the meetings in China was described by the March 2006 e-newsletter of the Free Trade Alliance San Antonio: "In January of 2006, a collaboration of several logistics entities in the U.S. and Mexico began operation of a new multimodal logistics corridor for Chinese goods entering the U.S. Market. The new corridor brings containerized goods from China on either Maersk or CP Ships service to the Mexican Port of Lazaro Cardenas. There, the containers are off loaded by a new world class terminal operated by Hutchinson Ports based in Hong Kong. The containers are loaded onto the Kansas City Southern Railroad de Mexico where they move in-bound into the U.S. The containers clear U.S. customs in San Antonio, Texas and are processed for distribution. "Hutchinson Whampoa, a diversified company that manages property development and telecommunications companies, with operations in 54 countries and over 200,000 employees worldwide, is also one of the world’s largest port operators. Hutchinson Ports Holding (HPH) owns Panama Ports Co., which operates the ports of Cristobal and Balboa which are located at each end of the Panama Canal. HPH also operates the industrial deepwater port of Lazaro Cardenas in the Mexican State of Michoacan, as well as the Mexican port at Manzanillo, also along the west coast of Mexico, north of Lazaro Cardenas. The Free Trade Alliance San Antonio was created in 1994 to promote the development of San Antonio’s inland port. The Free Trade Alliance San Antonio and the Port Authority of San Antonio are both members of NASCO, an acronym for the group’s formal name, the North American’s SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc. A Kansas City Star newspaper article posted on the website of the Kansas City SmartPort, another NASCO member, shows the importance of San Antonio’s inland port to the developing NAFTA Super-Highway and NAFTA railroad corridor emerging along Interstate I-35. According to reporter Rick Alm, San Antonio envisions the opening of a Mexican customs office in their inland port, a move that has been pioneered by Kansas City SmartPort: "Under this area’s arrangement restablishing a Mexican customs facility in the Kansas City SmartPort], freight would be inspected by Mexican authorities in Kansas City and sealed in containers for movement directly to Mexican destinations with fewer costly border delays. The arrangement would become even more lucrative when Asian markets that shipped through Mexican ports were figured into the mix. “We applaud the efforts of Kansas City and the Mexican government in developing a Mexican customs facility there,” said Jorge Canavati, marketing director for Kelly USA [former name for San Antonio’s inland port established on the former site of Kelly Air Force Base]. He said a Mexican customs function for KellyUSA “is something that is still far away … We may be looking at that” in the future. A world map on the North American Inland Ports Network (NAIPN) on the NASCO website graphically highlights in yellow the trade routes from China across the Pacific ocean, to Mexico at the ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas, entering the U.S. through San Antonio. A Free Trade Alliance San Antonio 2005 summary of goals and accomplishments documents the direct involvement of the Bush administration into the development of San Antonio’s inland port NAFTA plans. The following were among the bulleted points: *Organized four marketing trips to Mexico and China to promote Inland Port San Antonio and met with prospects. Met with over 50 prospects/leads during these trips. *Continued to pursue cross border trucking by advocating a pilot project with at least two major Mexican exporters as potential subjects. Worked with U.S. Department of Transportation, Dept. of Homeland Security and U.S. Trade Representative on this concept. *Working with Mexican ports to develop new cargo routes through the Ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Candenas. *San Antonio is on the route of the Trans-Texas Corridor planned to be built along I-35 from Laredo, Tex., on the Mexican Border, north through Dallas, en route to the Oklahoma border. The development of a China-Mexico trade route reflects a fundamental shift since the passage of NAFTA. At the peak in the mid-1990s, there were some three thousand maquiladoras located in northern Mexico, employing over 1 million Mexicans in low-paying, assembly sweat-shops. Today, even Mexican labor is not cheap enough for the international corporations seeking only to maximize profits. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, that bubble has burst and the maquiladora activity is down over 25 percent from the peak as the international corporations have found even cheaper labor in China. As the Port of San Antonio evidences, linking NAFTA inland ports with NAFTA super-highways and NAFTA railroads is an important part of the development plan for the emerging global free trade economy. San Antonio officials by working with the communist Chinese to open Mexican ports for NAFTA trade evidence that plan. International capitalists are now determined to exploit cheap Mexican labor, not so much for manufacturing and assembly, but as a means of saving port and transportation costs in the North American market. The Bush Administration seems on-board with the plan, aiming to increase corporate capital gains in NAFTA markets rather than worrying about the adverse consequences to Mexican low-skilled workers or to the U.S. labor movement that transferring increasing amounts of manufacturing and assembly to China entails. Copyright © 2006 HUMAN EVENTS. All Rights Reserved. Los Angeles, Long Beach ports unite on proposal to fight air pollution Updated 6/29/2006 12:33 AM ET LOS ANGELES -- The neighboring seaports of Los Angeles and Long Beach announced Wednesday a proposal to crack down on the diesel-powered ships, trucks and trains that are polluting the air over the USA's trade gateway to Asia. Under the proposed five-year cleanup plan, the twin ports would offer $200 million to owners of 16,000 trucks to replace old rigs with cleaner new ones. Ships would have to burn cleaner fuel, cut speed within 40 miles of the harbor and plug into dockside electrical outlets that are being built. Railroads would be required to use cleaner locomotives. The city-owned ports, 20 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, are the nation's largest. Together they handle 40% of U.S. cargo-container imports and account for 600,000 local jobs. They're also a health hazard as Southern California's "largest fixed source of air pollution," the South Coast Air Quality Management District says. Vessels and vehicles idling at docks spew more smog-forming nitrogen oxides and cancer-causing diesel particulates than the metropolitan area's 6 million cars, the district says. Residents of nearby neighborhoods have high rates of respiratory illness and the region's highest cancer risk, according to the California Air Resources Board. The cleanup plan aims to reduce diesel particulates nearly 50% and nitrogen oxides 30% by 2011. Arley Baker, spokesman for the Port of Los Angeles, says the regulations could be a pattern for other ports. Houston and Shanghai also are grappling with air pollution problems, says Geraldine Knatz, the Los Angeles port's executive director. The Los Angeles and Long Beach ports are landlords for shipping companies that operate cargo terminals. The cities compete for shippers' business. Their top port officials were so mistrustful of each other that until last January they hadn't held a joint meeting since 1929, says S. David Freeman, president of the Port of Los Angeles Harbor Commission. The ports have had separate, uncoordinated pollution-reduction programs, posing a risk that dirtier ships would choose the port with lower standards, Freeman says. "United, there ain't no place for these shippers to go," he says. Barraged with lawsuits by environmental groups and neighbors, the ports united on the cleanup so the courts will let them expand to handle a projected tripling of trade by 2020, Freeman says. "The port is Hundreds of shipping containers move in a train at the Port of Los Angeles. A five-year plan proposed by neighboring seaports in California would require railroads to use cleaner locomotives and ships to burn cleaner fuel. By Reed Saxon, AP Hundreds of shipping containers move in a train at the Port of Los Angeles. A five-year plan proposed by neighboring seaports in California would require railroads to use cleaner locomotives and ships to burn cleaner fuel. one of the largest sources of decent-paying jobs around here, and it can't grow unless we smash the pollution," he says. Some shipping companies here complain that the new regulations will raise operating costs and make them less competitive with other U.S. and Mexican ports, Knatz says. "We tell them we have no alternative. Development will let customers grow their business and use the revenue to pay for meeting the emissions standards." Freeman says consumers of imported goods won't be socked with higher prices. The "impact on the delivery price of television sets and tennis shoes is essentially de minimis," he says. The plan disclosed Wednesday is a draft that could be revised after 30 days of public hearings. A final plan goes to port commissioners in September. Little of the cargo bound for Punta Colonet will stay in Mexico, making the port vulnerable to the whims of shippers, who can choose other routes to the United States. "Nothing is guaranteed," said Asaf Ashar, research professor with the National Ports and Waterways Institute in Washington. "It's a big risk." Building a seaport from scratch would be difficult enough. But the overland transportation piece is likely to make or break Punta Colonet. The deal is being structured as a joint port-and-rail project, requiring terminal operators, railroads and construction companies to team up in consortia to win the bid. The railroad's ultimate route and U.S. crossing points will depend on which railway operator is chosen and how it manages to link up with existing rail networks on both sides of the border. Union Pacific Corp. of Omaha and Forth Worth-based BNSF Railway Co. control the U.S. side of the tracks at most of the key U.S.-Mexico border crossings. Striking a deal with one of those companies to get the cargo to the American side will be crucial, said Paul Bingham, managing director of the global trade and transportation practice for Global Insight, a Massachusetts-based consulting firm. "They have the ability to essentially choke off that port," Bingham said. BNSF spokesman Patrick Hiatte said Wednesday that the company was "very interested" in the Punta Colonet project. He declined to say with whom the firm might collaborate to make a bid. Union Pacific could not be reached for comment. The company earlier had teamed with Hong Kong-based Hutchison Port Holdings to make a run at the project, but that alliance dissolved last year. Christian Information Exchange


Fountain Valley, CA

Mike Jesus' Son of God


II Corinthians 11:4 Matthew 24:4,5,11


1. Defined: A group that follows a particular teaching or behavior
2. Non-Christian Cult defined:
a. Adherence to MAJOR doctrines which are pointedly contradictory to
orthodox Christianity, while claiming origins or harmony with
b. Always built, not on what the Bible teaches, but upon what the
FOUNDER(S) of the cult said the Bible teaches and thrives on
ignorance and uncertainity.
c. Use Bible quotations out of context.
(The Bible says it is OK to disobey God - but the one in the Bible
saying that is SATAN!)

============================000000000000000000000000000000000000============================================ Tobacco isn't just about cancer (berkeley)
Reply to: see below

Posted: 2013-06-02, 8:24PM PDT

Tobacco isn't just about cancer (berkeley) ( Tobacco is not cancer (berkel)

Some Where, This Is Not Kansas Anymore, Toto.
For despite its name -- and in keeping with its word-warping
language -- the essence of much corporate public relations is neither
public nor relational but stealthy and manipulative. Indeed, its
effectiveness is predicated on its invisibility. "The best PR ends
up looking like news," says a prominent practitioner. "You'll never
know when a PR agency is being effective; you'll just find your
views slowly shifting." Media researchers estimate that 40% of what
Americans see, hear and read as news is actually just lightly edited
PR press releases. Another substantial portion consists of voices
and faces placed by publicists supplying overworked and under-
motivated journalists with ready-made material.

For anyone willing to pay the price, PR agencies promote and protect
corporate and partisan agendas, democratic pols and image-challenged
dictators. It boosts or blasts specific public policies by targeting
specific constituencies with a strategic blend of largely covert
operations ranging from paid ads, "earned" (PR-prompted) media,
and "reputation management" strategies to industrial espionage,
damage control, use of third party authorities, clandestine
censorship, and infiltration of groups and individuals opposing
their clients' interests.

In such a high-stakes, high-priced industry, the great majority of
clients are wealthy -- major corporations, politicians, celebrities,
and political parties with a powerful interest in advancing their
agendas or maintaining a positive public image to camouflage dubious
motives or personal and institutional misconduct. Many PR clients
spend more money rebuilding their images than redressing the
problems that first tarnished them. Indeed, it is largely in order
to avoid having to rectify problems they fear would be too expensive
to fix that they invest in reality-reshaping strategies.

Energy companies, for example, have pumped vast sums in recent years
into clandestine PR tactics designed to dissuade U.S. policymakers
from taking measures to reduce America's greenhouse gas emissions.
Through an industry-sponsored Global Climate Coalition they have
sought to discredit the conclusions of the UN's esteemed Climate
Change Panel by feeding the media a handful of scientists (mostly in
the pay of the same corporations) willing to dissent from the
overwhelming majority who believe rapid action is essential.

Indeed, corporate PR is so successful that even many of its chief
victims -- progressive politicians, environmental, labor and social
justice movements and others -- turn to the same techniques (and
often the same companies) to promote their own messages. Many
believe that they must "fight flak with flak." On behalf of several
global population organizations, a U.S. foundation recently granted
a major PR/ad agency $16 million to inundate eight second-tier U.S.
cities with paid ads and PR strategies designed to "brand"
international family planning like Coke and Toyota.

But can a social cause be effectively marketed in the same fashion
as a soft drink? And is something vital lost in the process? Like
advertising, PR can be dismayingly effective in inducing people to
do and believe in things that in their right minds they might not
choose, like smoking or voting for a politician who will steal them
blind. But can PR induce people to think for themselves? Can it make
them better citizens? Does it even want to? What happens to a
democracy whose citizens have been so steadily and artfully deceived
that they no longer detect any difference between reality and its
counterfeit -- or even care?

Underlying PR is an unspoken assumption that most people are not
capable of intelligent, independent thought and action and that "for
the greater good" they must be programmed en masse to act in
prescribed ways. "It is now possible to control and regiment the
masses according to our will without their knowing it," wrote Edward
Bernays. "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element
in a democratic society."

Bernays' chilling vision has come to pass. But in the process it
has so brain-damaged democracy that both the "masses" being
manipulated and the invisible hands manipulating them have
surrendered their responsibilities -- and possibilities -- as free
and conscious beings. Only by refusing to be "spun" and reasserting
the primacy of our own independent judgment can we reclaim our
citizenship, and with it revive a diminished democratic culture.

* * * Tobacco is not cause of cancer (berkeley) (Real World)
Tobacco isn't just about cancer (berkeley) I wonder if one reason that the tobacco companies have taken such a "hit" is
because they would not completely sell out to the chemical companies who wanted
to buy them out years ago like the food and pharmaceutical companies sold out to
those chemical companies?

Smoking Helps Protect Against Lung Cancer
And here are some of the mice who helped to prove it!

Every year, thousands of medical doctors and other members of the "Anti-Smoking
Inquisition" spend billions of dollars perpetuating what has unquestionably
become the most misleading though successful social engineering scam in history.
With the encouragement of most western governments, these Orwellian lobbyists
pursue smokers with a fanatical zeal that completely overshadows the ridiculous
American alcohol prohibition debacle, which started in 1919 and lasted until
Nowadays we look back on American prohibition with justifiable astonishment. Is
it really true that an entire nation allowed itself to be denied a beer or
scotch by a tiny group of tambourine-bashing fanatics? Sadly, yes it is, despite
a total lack of evidence that alcohol causes any harm to humans, unless consumed
in truly astronomical quantities.
Alas, the safety of alcohol was of no interest to the tambourine-bashers, for
whom control over others was the one and only true goal. Americans were visibly
"sinning" by enjoying themselves having a few alcoholic drinks, and the puritans
interceded on behalf of God to make them all feel miserable again.
Although there is no direct link between alcohol and tobacco, the history of
American prohibition is important, because it helps us understand how a tiny
number of zealots managed to control the behavior and lives of tens of millions
of people. Nowadays exactly the same thing is happening to smokers, though this
time it is at the hands of government zealots and ignorant medical practitioners
rather than tambourine-bashing religious fanatics.
Certain governments know that their past actions are directly responsible for
causing most of the lung and skin cancers in the world today, so they go to
extreme lengths in trying to deflect responsibility and thus financial liability
away from themselves, and onto harmless organic tobacco instead. As we will find
later in the report, humble organic tobacco has never hurt anyone, and in
certain ways can justifiably claim to provide startling health protection.
Not all governments around the world share the same problem. Japan and Greece
have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest
incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia,
Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult
cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This
is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie
that "smoking causes lung cancer."

... see webpage for more info ...

The Age of Spin

"Truth is a liquid." So concluded Edward Bernays, who in the years
between the two world wars invented the modern art and profession of
public relations. Like an alchemist of mass consciousness, Bernays
melted down the crude ores of ordinary reality, blended them with
the fool's gold of deceits and half-truths and produced facsimiles
of fact so seamless that even skeptics could no longer discern where
the real drained away and deception flowed in. The nephew of Sigmund
Freud, Bernays took his uncle's insights into the individual psyche
and applied them to the manipulation of mass psychology.

But even Bernays did not imagine just how pervasive and persuasive
PR would eventually become. Today it is a worldwide industry worth
tens of billions of dollars annually, growing at rates of 40-60
percent a year. Many are independent publicists legitimately seeking
greater visibility for their clients' work by the time-tested
techniques of press releases, press conferences and author tours.
But the larger firms exert massive influence by a wide range of
intrusive and manipulative tactics that remain largely invisible to
the public.

The world's leading PR operations -- Fleishman-Hillard, Burson-
Marsteller, Hill and Knowlton, Weber Shandwick -- are based in the
U.S. and U.K. but maintain offices in scores of countries. Most
couple their PR operations to much larger advertising divisions,
offering their customers "integrated communications strategies" in
which ads project irresistible images while PR massages the messages
from behind the projector.

For despite its name -- and in keeping with its word-warping
language -- the essence of much corporate public relations is neither
public nor relational but stealthy and manipulative. Indeed, its
effectiveness is predicated on its invisibility. "The best PR ends
up looking like news," says a prominent practitioner. "You'll never
know when a PR agency is being effective; you'll just find your
views slowly shifting." Media researchers estimate that 40% of what
Americans see, hear and read as news is actually just lightly edited
PR press releases. Another substantial portion consists of voices
and faces placed by publicists supplying overworked and under-
motivated journalists with ready-made material.

For anyone willing to pay the price, PR agencies promote and protect
corporate and partisan agendas, democratic pols and image-challenged
dictators. It boosts or blasts specific public policies by targeting
specific constituencies with a strategic blend of largely covert
operations ranging from paid ads, "earned" (PR-prompted) media,
and "reputation management" strategies to industrial espionage,
damage control, use of third party authorities, clandestine
censorship, and infiltration of groups and individuals opposing
their clients' interests.

In such a high-stakes, high-priced industry, the great majority of
clients are wealthy -- major corporations, politicians, celebrities,
and political parties with a powerful interest in advancing their
agendas or maintaining a positive public image to camouflage dubious
motives or personal and institutional misconduct. Many PR clients
spend more money rebuilding their images than redressing the
problems that first tarnished them. Indeed, it is largely in order
to avoid having to rectify problems they fear would be too expensive
to fix that they invest in reality-reshaping strategies.

Energy companies, for example, have pumped vast sums in recent years
into clandestine PR tactics designed to dissuade U.S. policymakers
from taking measures to reduce America's greenhouse gas emissions.
Through an industry-sponsored Global Climate Coalition they have
sought to discredit the conclusions of the UN's esteemed Climate
Change Panel by feeding the media a handful of scientists (mostly in
the pay of the same corporations) willing to dissent from the
overwhelming majority who believe rapid action is essential.

Indeed, corporate PR is so successful that even many of its chief
victims -- progressive politicians, environmental, labor and social
justice movements and others -- turn to the same techniques (and
often the same companies) to promote their own messages. Many
believe that they must "fight flak with flak." On behalf of several
global population organizations, a U.S. foundation recently granted
a major PR/ad agency $16 million to inundate eight second-tier U.S.
cities with paid ads and PR strategies designed to "brand"
international family planning like Coke and Toyota.

But can a social cause be effectively marketed in the same fashion
as a soft drink? And is something vital lost in the process? Like
advertising, PR can be dismayingly effective in inducing people to
do and believe in things that in their right minds they might not
choose, like smoking or voting for a politician who will steal them
blind. But can PR induce people to think for themselves? Can it make
them better citizens? Does it even want to? What happens to a
democracy whose citizens have been so steadily and artfully deceived
that they no longer detect any difference between reality and its
counterfeit -- or even care?

Underlying PR is an unspoken assumption that most people are not
capable of intelligent, independent thought and action and that "for
the greater good" they must be programmed en masse to act in
prescribed ways. "It is now possible to control and regiment the
masses according to our will without their knowing it," wrote Edward
Bernays. "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the
organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element
in a democratic society."

Bernays' chilling vision has come to pass. But in the process it
has so brain-damaged democracy that both the "masses" being
manipulated and the invisible hands manipulating them have
surrendered their responsibilities -- and possibilities -- as free
and conscious beings. Only by refusing to be "spun" and reasserting
the primacy of our own independent judgment can we reclaim our
citizenship, and with it revive a diminished democratic culture.

* * *

Posting ID: 3845724974

Posted: 2013-06-02, 8:15PM PDT

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  • Location: Tobacco is not cancer (berkel
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Posting ID: 3845736085

Posted: 2013-06-02, 8:24PM PDT

email to a friend

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