I Like Ike-said Beware Monsanto!
DAVE SEZ=Don't Let It Happen To YOU!
Purity Hero Sean Hannity took to the radio airwaves Tuesday to alert America to this profound insight: marijuana will kill you dead! As proof, Hannity offers a genuinely sad story from Colorado, about the 19-year-old who jumped off a 4th-floor balcony after eating a friend's marijuana cookie. The autopsy listed marijuana intoxication as a significant contributing factor in the death of 19-year-old Levi Thamba Pongi, a native of the Republic of Congo, who fell from a balcony. One of Hannity's guests tried to point out that "significant contributing factor" is different from "sole cause," but Hannity knew better: "In other words, he was stoned out of his mind!" All this brilliance was prefaced by Hannity's worries about other victims of pot, like innocent children "getting into their parents' pot-laced goodies -- because they have, I guess, pot candy and pot brownies and pot this and pot that." And as that one guest (whose name doesn't appear on the Hannity website -- apparently there have been no guests in 2014) said, yes, it makes sense that if you're going to have legal pot, you don't just leave the stuff out where the kids can get into it: "Drugs are like alcohol and guns and they need to be put away in a safe place." Oddly, we don't know of any stories where Hannity concluded that guns need to be banned after a kid got their hands on one with disastrous results. Hannity's other guest, on the other hand, was much more sympathetic to his position, saying that she's "read about people dying already from smoking too much pot and then falling." Even worse, Hannity intoned, "There was a case of a dog that OD'd from pot!" The pro-pot guest soberly agreed that "anybody who murders a dog should go to jail forever," and that, yes, if people irresponsibly leave their intoxicating adult stuff around where their kids get into it, they are bad parents and should be prosecuted for endangering their kids. The recording cuts off just as the anti-pot guest starts warming up on her theory that marijuana legalization is just a ploy to distract us from the serious issues like "people losing their healthcare" and presumably, Benghazi. Yr Wonkette has already reported on just how deadly weed candy can almost be, so we are sympathetic to people who have had bad experiences -- on the other hand, despite the fact that alcohol can actually poison people to death, and does, at plenty of frat parties, booze remains legal. But the real lesson is obvious: Weed kills, and must be prohibited. Alcohol, on the other hand, should be enjoyed responsibly, and guns, needless to say, are in the Constitution for a very good reason: So you can protect yourself from roving bands of weed-crazed youths. Colorado woman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed" Betty Diamond was told if she didn't stop smoking Marijuana she would regret it. Betty thought because its legal it must be safe. There is no treatment for her condition and she is not expected to recover. Betty says the weed made her feel great and stopped her headaches. Read more: FOX ONLINE Apr 9, 2014 - Purity Hero Sean Hannity took to the radio airwaves Tuesday to alert America to this profound insight: marijuana will kill you dead! As proof ... Demyx - BREAKING NEWS: Smoking marijuana causes ... May 20, 2014 - Colorado woman grows a third arm after smoking "Killer Weed" Betty Diamond was told if she didn't stop smoking Marijuana she would regret it ... We have to stop Dow Chemical before this nightmare scenario becomes a reality. It's time for the food movement -- organic producers, rural farming communities, urban foodies, chefs, parents, policy makers, and everyone who cares about the food they eat -- to stop Dow Chemical and their "Agent Orange" crops. Dow has already destroyed our world enough. To learn how you can get involved, visit PROPAGANDA in 1938 MARIJUANA KILLER! Course of Study in temperance Education (Alcohol and narcotic Drugs_ for grades 7-8-9 p70 ) - State of Vermont G. Marihuana (Indian Hemp) (Marijuana) 3. Marihuana as -- Narcotic There is no important use for marihuana in medicine because it is unreliable. . . . 4. Effects of Marihuana When marihuana is taken in large doses or when it is smoked, it usually produces a characteristic feeling of pleasure and exhilaration. Very soon the individual passes into a drowsy state, during which he has beautiful dreams, and forgets everything. He has visions of gorgeously beautiful scenes, amidst which he imagines all sorts of romantic incidents. He is usually joyful and happy and seems to be in a garden of paradise far more beautiful than any previous conception of it. These dreams are more marked in the languid, oriental people. Europeans or Americans unless they are particularly emotional, usually do not have such extravagant dreams but merely become joyful and happy. During this state of exhilaration, ideas arise so rapidly that time seems to pass much faster than it actually does. Events which usually last hours seem to occur in several minutes. This state of exhilaration lasts for a short time, perhaps an hour, then the individual falls into a normal, quiet sleep from which he can be readily awakened. Often the person has a sense of impending death, while others have terrible dreams. The following is a reprint from a bulletin of the Signal Press, Evanston, Illinois, entitled "The Menace of Marihuana": "The following excerpt from a pamphlet by the Department of Public Health, Union of South Africa, should awaken North America to the need for education and legal protection against this deadly drug. "Dagga (Marihuana) is a habit-forming drug and its use is apt to induce a craving which increases in strength until it is practically irresistible. Every confirmed smoker will confess that the craving when the drug is withheld becomes unbearable torture. "A very serious aspect of this question is the prevalence of the vice among youths and even school boys. The evil effects are quickly shown by emotional instability and unreliability." Some concrete examples (taken from the records of the Federal Narcotics Bureau) are quoted: "It happened in Florida: A young boy who had become addicted to smoking marihuana cigarettes, in a fit of frenzy, because, as he stated while still under the marihuana influence, a number of people were trying to cut off his arms and legs, seized an axe and killed his father, mother, two brothers, and a sister, wiping out the entire family except himself. "It happened in Michigan: Sometime ago the silence of the state prison at Marquette, Michigan, was shattered by the sound of fusillade of pistol shots and an hour later a kindly prison doctor lay dead and beside him lay the trusty who had given his life trying to save his friend, the doctor. An investigation developed that arms and ammunition had been smuggled into the prison in the false bottoms of burying containers and that the marihuana from which Tylczak, the murderer of the doctor and trusty, had derived his demonian courage, had also been smuggled into the prison. "It happened in California: A man under the influence of marihuana actually decapitated his best friend; and then, coming out of the effects of the drug, was horrified as anyone over what he had done." "Reefer" cigarettes, as marihuana cigarettes are often called, are sold to high school pupils by persons attempting to build up a trade for this drug. Such sales are sometimes made at hot dog stands or on the street, secretly, the price being about twenty-five cents per cigarette. A real menace to American youth lies in this drug because the hemp is so easily raised, the drug so readily obtained, and so suicidal in its effects. There has been much agitation against marihuana, the most deadly of all narcotic drugs. No wonder so many people today oppose the use of Medicinal Cannabis.- do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers
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